Thursday 7 July 2016

What to expect if you are mass comm student


title post kalini berbunyi bgitu intense sekali ye, tp sebenarnya tak pun, Kah! Kepada sesapa yang dapat course mass comm ada beberapa jenis situasi yang korg kena hadam yg mgkin org sekliling akan tanya, contohnyaaaa:

mass comm ni kos apa weh??

ko nak jadi artis ke?

pergh masscomm social lah doh!

ko nak jadi wartawan eh weh?

nanti ko baca berita ke?

apa kom? meskom? 

lepastu bukan tu je ,mgkin bila korg msuk uni nnti ada yg akan pndg slack (buat pndgn mata pndg atas bwah ats bwah) kt korg, tp chill je okay sbb ini mmg adat la, kes berpuak puak mgkut kos ni mmg wjud , as long as korg berbaik dgn orang tk mnyombong tkde sbb org nk bnci kita kan? :)

pada yg tk tau atau mcm keliru mass comm ni kos apa, mass comm ni sbnrnya singkatan kepada Mass Communication and Media Studies, kalau psl blajar basically kos ni sesuai sangat utk org yg sukaaaaaaaa sangat bercakap atau bkerja bwah tekanan yg maha hebat atau bg mereka yg suka kerja yg melibatkan real people jmpa org, interview org ,ataupn bg mereka yangggg bercita cita mnjadi personaliti tv, senang kata bekerja dengan media tetapi bleh jgak jd Public Relation Practitioner.

Masscomm ni jgak skop dia sgt luas bkn smua student yg dah grad akan jd pembaca berita, pengacara atau bkerja dlm dnia glemer ittew masaklah klau smua nk msuk tv ye dokk, hahahaha. boleh plih sama ada Journalism, Broadcasting, Advertising, CIT, Publishing.  


buat event, jadi event planner untuk event besar

jadi pengacara, pemberita

jadi editor maalah, surat khabar, tv

buat iklan (kot la nk buat iklan raya sesedih kt tv)

jadi PR practiotioner

jadi publisher

jadi studio engineer, news director

journalist (travel sana sini cari berita)

you are welcome to join mass comm wee :)

btw klau korg minat drama korea ada laa cter yg represent masscomm iaitu drama Pinochiooo

 tapi citer ni more to journalism, tp still korg bole nampak in details what is mass comm and the career you will have once you step in this media world. 

thank you for reding this entry :)

Monday 13 June 2016


secara jujurnya, mmg rasa rnduuu sgt dgn bf aku ni, sorg kat kedah sorg kt KL memang penat la jgak menanggung rndu ni, hahahaha Since, ktorg dua da hbis pun diploma, nak jumpa ni mmg susah. Dia mestilah nk duduk kedah ngn parents dia aku pun duk KL ngn fmly sndiri. tp mggu dpan insha allah dia balik dn ktorg akan sesama kuar bli bju rayaaaa, iyeayyyy.

masuk thun ni da thun kedua beli baju raya sesama, dan mgkut pengalaman lalu, dia ni mmg cerewet sangt msa shooping, penat gila weh iols nk tggu dia bli bju , stu satu dia belek, bukan setakat satu2 bju dia belek, dari satu kedai ke satu kedai gak dia pusing.

tp cmtu je jgak, kptsannya, ttp la bju pesen2 dia gak dia berknan. hahahaha. papepun harap taun ni tknk da pusing2 shopping jauh2 sgt, penatttt. nak2 bulan puasa ni cepat nk terasa haus.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

How to make sushi for noobs

Hey everyone,

today i would like to share a tips on how to make a sushi for beginners, you can try this at home.

What do you need?:

Short-grain white rice or medium grain rice
Seaweed (nori)
Crab stick
Rolling mat
Soy sauce

short grain rice

What to do with the ingredients?

first you have to cook the rice, wash the rice until there is no more starch, then you put the rice in a pot and pour water in it, you cook it like usual rice but you have to add more water in it. However, do not pour so much water in it otherwise it will turn out to be dough instead of rice. (a cup of rice=3 rolls).

after you have cooked the rice, take it out using wooden spoon, use the wooden spoon only. why? because metal spoon will damage the rice. Now you are ready to season the rice with rice vinegar.

wooden spoon

for 3 cups of rice (uncooked) you need 1/2 cup of vinegar rice, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. mix the ingredient on medium heat, stir well until there is no solid

then mix it with the rice you have cooked, stir well. If you are unsure with the taste pour the vinegar mix little by little until you get the taste you like. cool down the rice. voila you have made the sushi rice!!

Let's move on for the second step

boiled the crab stick, carrot and avocado for 2-3 minutes, lay the seaweed(nori) at the rolling mat with the rough surface facing upwards. wet your hand and take out about a handful of rice then spread it on the seaweed, spread it evenly. left both of the ended sheet uncovered with  rice (about 2cm).

For the filling

put the the crab stick at the end of seaweed sheet on top of the rice and roll it.
                                                                       like this:

then cut the roles with knifes for about 6-8 pieces, done. 

you can eat it with soy sauce. nyum nyum :)

info: you can use carrot, cucumber, tuna, for the fillings.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Home remedy to get off pimples

Pimples are normal for people, however it can be cured by using things around your house. Here are some of the way to get rid of pimples by using home remedies.

1. Using lemon.

Lemon are rich in vitamin C and it will help to dry up the pimples faster. you can use it by dip a cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and dab it to pimples before going to bed. However this remedy are not suitable for sensitive skin.

2. Toothpaste

toothpaste are obviously easy to find, it is even easier to use it for pimples, just take a few of it and dab it on your pimples overnight. 


ice are effective to reduce redness and swollen pimples, it also can tighten up the pores and remove dirt. wrap ice with a cloth and dab it to the affected area for a few seconds than wait for few minutes and repeat the process.

4. Banana peel

take the banana peel and rub it in circular motion all over your face, wait for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

5. Tea tree oil

tea tree oil are famous to reduce pimples, use it to soothe pimples.

these are few tips on how to get rid of pimples, thanks for reading :)